Farm Bill Update


Farm animals: A donkey and a horse on a pasture of a farm. The donkey is looking forward and the horse is feeding on grass.

Farm Bill Update


Representative Glenn “GT” Thompson (PA-15), Chairman of the House Committee on Agriculture, is releasing details on the 2024 Farm Bill. The full text is expected to be published prior to the Committee’s hearing scheduled for Thursday, May 23. The Senate has released one overview document.


The House and Senate have significant differences in prioritizing programs and funding levels. Senate Committee on Agriculture Chair Senator Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) remains steadfast in her opposition to any reduction in funding for climate change and nutrition programs. If the impasse between the House and Senate versions is not rectified, Senator Stabenow has indicated her willingness to extend the current 2018 Farm Bill and punt deliberations into the next Congress in 2025.

Betting on whether a Farm Bill will pass has become somewhat of a guessing game in Washingtona high-stakes guessing game. The Hill newspaper reported on a study showing that pharmaceutical, manufacturing, and “big agriculture” have spent more than $400 million lobbying Congress on a new farm bill.

Despite not being part of the $400 million lobbying club, AHC is pleased to announce some “wins” for the equine industry: The “three-legged” stool of animal health programs, the National Animal Health Laboratory Network, the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program, and the National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary Countermeasures Bank is funded at levels meeting or exceeding our requests to the Committee. These programs are the first line of defense against animal disease outbreaks and emergencies.


  • $10 million per year for the National Animal Health Laboratory Network
  • $70 million per year for the National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program
  • $153 million per year for the National Animal Vaccine and Veterinary
    Countermeasures Bank


AHC is also encouraged by the Committee’s directive to the National Agricultural Statistics Service to establish a Commission to improve the efficiency of data collection and the quality of statistics reported. AHC will advocate for a slot on the Commission to press for a comprehensive equine census. A description of the Commission and its mandate is found in H.R. 6351.


The Farm Bill has many hurdles ahead. Please join AHC at its upcoming Annual Conference on June 9 to 12 in Washington, D.C., we will have updated information on the state of play, and we’ll be going to congressional offices to make our case for the equine industry!

Register for the Annual Conference now!