American Horse Council International Movement Working Group Town Hall

American Horse Council International Movement Working Group Town Hall

The AHC newly formed International Movement Working Group recently hosted a Town Hall meeting for brokers, transporters, and stakeholders importing and exporting horses. The meeting had over 90 registrants from across the globe. The purpose of this town hall was to share ongoing efforts to improve the import/export experience for all stakeholders invested in the international movement of horses.

The AHC formed this working group to identify challenges and successes related to the international movement of horses. AHC is seeking input to better understand stakeholder concerns related to the safe, healthy, and efficient movement of horses.  During the town hall meeting the group announced how stakeholders can provide real-time ongoing feedback of their import/export experience.

The working group has created a feedback form that anyone can submit. The form is meant to gather specific examples, of both challenges and successes, related to importing and exporting horses. These examples should relate to one of several topics including but not limited to CEM protocols, permitting and health certificates, quarantine, regulatory rules and protocols, scheduling, sick horses, staffing, disease testing, and more.

The form can be found here: and AHC encourages anyone who is involved in the international movement of horses to submit their experiences. Your name and contact information will not be shared with third parties, but we may reach out to clarify any comments in your submission.

Anonymous submissions are welcome, but please submit as much detail as possible to allow us to understand your experience fully. An anonymous comment may be less effective if we are unable to follow up with you on your experience.

If you need assistance with this form, please reach out to Emily Stearns, AHC Health, Welfare, and Regulatory Affairs Liaison at