And the Award goes to….


And the Award goes to….


The American Horse Council (AHC) recently hosted its Awards Luncheon, an annual celebration dedicated to recognizing the outstanding achievements of AHC members and supporters. The event was part of the National Issues Forum held in Washington, D.C., from June 9 to 12, 2024.

Julie Broadway, President of the AHC, remarked, “This year’s winners are the embodiment of excellence and leadership in their support of the AHC and the equine industry. Although the awardees come from different backgrounds with a variety of roles, all have worked toward a common objective of making the lives of horses, and those who care for them, compete with them, and heal with them, better. To borrow a phrase, they are ‘Here for the Horses.’ A simple and powerful proposition that they practice on a daily basis.”

This year’s award recipients are named as follows:

Bud and Gwen Wills, of the Pennsylvania Equine Council, were awarded the Van Ness Award.
This award is presented to an individual or individuals who best emulate the dedication and commitment of Marjorie Van Ness to the improvement of the horse industry at the state level. Bud and Gwen Wills cited the importance of keeping land open and available for trail riding as this pursuit is often the first introduction to horses for many young people. Bud Wills ended his remarks with Winston Churchill’s observation that “

There is something about the outside of a horse that’s good for the inside of a man.”

The Hickey Award is given in honor of past AHC President James J. Hickey Jr., who served the AHC from 1993 to 2016. Dr. Katie Flynn, DVM
was honored with this award for her untiring support of the equine industry and the AHC. Dr. Flynn currently serves as Senior Staff Veterinarian for the United States Equestrian Federation. Dr. Flynn acknowledged the many mentors in her life who brought her to a career path that allowed her to follow her passion for horses. “Do what’s right for the horse” is her guiding principle that was instilled in her by her parents and family and which she has followed since her introduction to all things horses at the age of six as an avid 4-H member.

Ward Stutz, Director of Breed Integrity at the American Quarter Horse Association, was recognized with the AHC Champion Award
for his extensive and exemplary advocacy for the industry and the AHC. Mr. Stutz’s award is special in that he was selected from nominations by AHC staff and leadership. In accepting the Champion Award, Mr. Stutz emphasized the importance of animal welfare as a fundamental responsibility and obligation of the industry. He also advised the need to ensure that the first introductions to horses for young people are safe and fun—as those attributes will encourage a lifetime love of horses.

Senator Mike Crapo (R-ID) was presented with the Rolapp Award
for his continuing support of legislation to strengthen the Horse Protection Act. The Rolapp Award is named in honor of the late Richard Rolapp, President of the AHC from 1974 to 1993. Mr. Benjamin Easter, Legislative Assistant to Senator Crapo accepted the award in his stead.

The United Horse Coalition (UHC) also presented an award—the UHC Unity Award which was given to the Retired Racehorse Project
for its program to facilitate placement of Thoroughbred ex-racehorses in second careers by increasing demand for them in equestrian sports and serving the farms, trainers, and organizations that transition them.

Broadway closed the luncheon by saying

“AHC is fortunate to have so many effective advocates. These awards are symbols of the gratitude we all feel for the time and effort these individuals and organizations have put into our sector. We thank you.”

The AHC thanks Populous for their sponsorship of the Awards Luncheon. Populous is a global design firm with expertise in the planning and design of racecourses, equestrian facilities, and exhibition buildings.