Episode 13 Adopt a Horse Month


You may think this episode is about horse racing—well, it is and it isn’t. We have two fantastic programs that are striving to grow involvement and understanding of horse racing. We think their business models and ideas are very transferable to all breeds and disciplines of the horse industry.

Amplify Horse Racing connects mentees with equine mentors to learn about pursuing unique careers in the Thoroughbred industry. Dozens of graduates are securing jobs and internships in various racing fields. Light Up Racing empowers participants with the knowledge and confidence to engage in meaningful conversations with the concerned public and external media and provides the information needed to make informed decisions that prioritize equine welfare. By fostering industry unity, we will actively work towards driving positive change and pushing for best practice adoption.

HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 3639 –Show Notes and Links:

Episode 12: Trail Riding and the Great Outdoors

Episode 12: Trail Riding and the Great Outdoors

Shownotes Spring has sprung and we’re ready to hit the trails! Are you? Heidi Melocco joins Julie and Megan to talk about Horse Trails of America as we talk about how horse enthusiasts are joining together to help grow a network of trail riding information with a...

Episode 11: What is Equine Assisted Learning?

Episode 11: What is Equine Assisted Learning?

Shownotes Julie and Megan step into the transformative world of equine-assisted learning. In this episode, we delve into what equine-assisted learning is all about, and how it can profoundly impact personal growth and development. Join us as we uncover the unique bond...

Episode 10: For the USEF, the Future is Now

Episode 10: For the USEF, the Future is Now

Shownotes The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) Board President Tom O’Mara joins Julie and Megan to discuss a variety of topics including the 2024 USEF Annual Meeting, social licensing and the future for equestrian sport in the United States. As Board...

Episode 7: Making Sure the Horse Always Wins

Episode 7: Making Sure the Horse Always Wins

Shownotes Is it possible to be simultaneously passionate about winning a competition and the welfare of the horse? This is the question Adam Snow and Dr. Shelley Onderdonk ask in their latest book published by Trafalgar Square, and the question Julie and Megan are...

Episode 5: Every Horse Counts!

Episode 5: Every Horse Counts!

Shownotes In recent months, several surveys have been circulated regarding the U.S. horse industry. The American Horse Council’s Equine Economic Impact Survey is one that has been active since April and will be wrapping up September 29. This survey, done once every...

Episode 3: Helping Horses in Need

Episode 3: Helping Horses in Need

Shownotes In this episode, Julie and Megan speak with three women who are working to help horse owners and horse enthusiasts help horses in need. Brittney Vallot highlights the amazing work that Days End Farm Horse Rescue and the Maryland Equine Transportation Service...

Episode 2: Youth Are The Future

Episode 2: Youth Are The Future

Shownotes The second episode of the American Horse Council edition of Horses in the Morning shines a spotlight on the youth of the horse industry. Julie and Megan speak with the president of the U.S. Pony Clubs, Jennifer Sweet, and the Executive Director of Amplify...