Federal Lands

In 2020, Congress passed, and President Trump signed the “Great American Outdoors Act.” The law has two major components, fully and permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) at $900 billion per year and providing $9.5 billion over five years ($1.9 billion annually) to address a maintenance backlog at American national parks. The law is heralded as the “most significant conservation legislation (enacted in nearly a half a century). Along with the Great American Outdoors Act, the American Horse Council continues to advocate for passage of legislation that will increase access to public trails for equine enthusiast.

Most recently, S. 873, A bill to improve recreation opportunities on, and facilitate greater access to Federal public land, and for other purposes has been introduced in the 118th Session. This legislation is a follow-on to what was negotiated at the end of the 117th Session. Senator Manchin (D-WV) is the sponsor. S. 873 was reported out of Committee with language to protect legacy horseback access on newly developed or identified long-distance biking trails: “Prior to any trail identification, the Secretaries are required to ensure that identification would not conflict with an existing use of a trail or road, including horseback riding. This section further requires the Secretaries to issue a report that lists the trails identified under this section.”

The American Horse Council will keep members up to date.