Equine Law and Horse Sense is designed for people, businesses, and organizations in the horse industry and for the lawyers who serve them.
What is “horse sense?” It is basic, practical common sense. It is the ability to apply sensible, reasoned approaches to problems in daily life, and “horse sense” belongs equally to horse activities. Having a general understanding of equine law can help avoid problems that create legal disputes. Equine Law and Horse Sense is designed for people, businesses, and organizations in the horse industry and for the lawyers who serve them.
This book will equip you to assess your needs, plan ahead, and take precautions to avoid conflicts. It answers such questions as:
- What are the laws regarding horse-related injuries, and what happens if you have been threatened with or plan to file a lawsuit?
- Why and when are contracts important, and what details merit consideration?
- How can disputes with insurance companies be avoided?
- What are some commonsense strategies to help protect the existence of horse operations amid increasing urbanization?
This book will better inform you about the law and help you continue to use good “horse sense” for many years to come.
This book can be purchased through Amazon by clicking here.
See the Table of Contents from ABA’s Page by clicking here.
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