Episode 7: Making Sure the Horse Always Wins


Is it possible to be simultaneously passionate about winning a competition and the welfare of the horse? This is the question Adam Snow and Dr. Shelley Onderdonk ask in their latest book published by Trafalgar Square, and the question Julie and Megan are asking listeners. We share stories of Adam’s polo career and how he learned, along with wife and veterinarian Dr. Shelley, how to get the most out of his ponies on and off the field, while making sure they’re happy, healthy and sound. Dr. Shelley and Adam believe that their experiences are an acknowledgement that doing good for the horse is good for results in the competitive arena. Learn how you can go about improving the win-win situation for not only your horse, but yourself.

In the latest Legislation Update, Julie shares progress on Miniature Horses being approved as therapeutic and assistance animals with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

HORSES IN THE MORNING Episode 3301  – Show Notes and Links: