We have a very special episode today focusing on the Army’s Caisson Detachment of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment – “The Old Guard.” The Old Guard is the Army’s oldest active-duty infantry regiment, responsible for a wide range of ceremonial duties, including guarding the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The other official duty is the very special role they perform to provide escorts for military funerals with a caisson. A caisson is a horse-drawn military wagon that is used to transport a funeral casket.
If you would like more information about the Caisson Detachment, please reach out at info@horsecouncil.org.
- First Sargent Garrett Rogers
- Alex Whisler
Title Sponsor: Smartpak
Episode 12: Trail Riding and the Great Outdoors
Shownotes Spring has sprung and we’re ready to hit the trails! Are you? Heidi Melocco joins Julie and Megan to talk about Horse Trails of America as we talk about how horse enthusiasts are joining together to help grow a network of trail riding information with a...
Episode 11: What is Equine Assisted Learning?
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Episode 10: For the USEF, the Future is Now
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Episode 8: Horses and Youth: The Impact the Horse has on Authentic Leadership Development
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Episode 7: Making Sure the Horse Always Wins
Shownotes Is it possible to be simultaneously passionate about winning a competition and the welfare of the horse? This is the question Adam Snow and Dr. Shelley Onderdonk ask in their latest book published by Trafalgar Square, and the question Julie and Megan are...
Episode 6: Can We Solve the Veterinarian Shortage Problem?
Shownotes According to a 2019 American Association of Equine Practitioners (AAEP) Equine Economic Survey Report, most equine veterinarians knew they wanted to be a vet before the age of 10. So many choose this career path because of a calling they felt, and a passion...
Episode 5: Every Horse Counts!
Shownotes In recent months, several surveys have been circulated regarding the U.S. horse industry. The American Horse Council’s Equine Economic Impact Survey is one that has been active since April and will be wrapping up September 29. This survey, done once every...
Episode 4: Environmentally Sustainable with Horses
Shownotes Horse owners are some of the biggest supporters of the environment. They understand the importance of green space, access to fresh water and mild temperatures to ride. Julie and Megan speak with two Colorado State University students who presented their...
Episode 3: Helping Horses in Need
Shownotes In this episode, Julie and Megan speak with three women who are working to help horse owners and horse enthusiasts help horses in need. Brittney Vallot highlights the amazing work that Days End Farm Horse Rescue and the Maryland Equine Transportation Service...
Episode 2: Youth Are The Future
Shownotes The second episode of the American Horse Council edition of Horses in the Morning shines a spotlight on the youth of the horse industry. Julie and Megan speak with the president of the U.S. Pony Clubs, Jennifer Sweet, and the Executive Director of Amplify...