AHC Policy

American Horse CouncilBoard/Committee Governance Structure 2024

Ad Hoc Committees: Any AHC member may volunteer or be asked to serve on an ad hoc committee, working group or task force. An ad hoc committee, working group or task force is formed when the AHC President and/or Board of Trustees (BOT) have the need to research or assess a particular subject matter or topic, develop procedures or address a specific concept/idea. Generally these are short term in duration, and are disbanded once conclusions and/or recommendations have been presented. The AHC President may put out a call for volunteers to serve on an ad hoc committee, or BOT members may suggest someone they feel has the knowledge and expertise needed on the topic. Ad hoc Committee Chairs are appointed by the AHC President and/or BOT. In certain circumstances, it may be necessary or desirable to include a non-member as part of the ad hoc group to provide special expertise on the topic. Examples of subject matter experts include, but not limited to, USDA representatives, state veterinarians, university equine science program directors, industry suppliers and manufacturers.

Standing Committees: All AHC members are welcome to attend as a guest any of the five (6) standing committee meetings conducted at the annual AHC meeting. Committees include: Equine Welfare; Health; Regulatory; Racing Advisory; Recreation, Trails & Land Use; and Shows/Competitions. Should the committee wish to deliberate on topics and develop recommendations, at the discretion of the committee chair, guests may be excused to allow the committee to go into closed session.

To keep AHC standing committees manageable in size and ensure participants are committed to the AHC’s mission, committee membership is only open to organizations that contribute at the “premium level” of $2,650 or more and they are entitled to name 1 representative to serve on a standing committee of their choice (Welfare; Health; Regulatory; Racing Advisory; Recreation, Trails & Land Use; and Shows/Competitions). The Coalition of State Horse Councils (CSHC) may designate one person to each standing committee as a liaison. Organizations that contribute at higher membership levels are eligible to serve on more than one committee ($2,650 per seat) depending on their level of membership. At their discretion, AHC staff or the Board of Trustees may call upon non AHC members as subject matter experts to contribute to committee discussions. Examples of subject matter experts include, but not limited to, USDA representatives, state veterinarians, university equine science program directors, industry suppliers and manufacturers.

In April of each year, the AHC President will confirm each organization’s eligibility to serve on standing committees and contact the designated organization leader to verify their organization’s desire to continue to serve and identify their representative for the committee(s). A list of proposed committee members will be provided to the BOT for approval at the annual meeting. Standing Committee Chairs are appointed by the BOT and may serve a three-year term. Chairs may be re-appointed; however, cannot exceed two consecutive three year terms.

Board of Trustees: Since formation the AHC BOT has been a self-perpetuating board, meaning the board elects its own directors. This was done to build a more diverse range of skills and experience, and ensure that future directors can contribute to the continuity of existing aims and values. To keep AHC BOT manageable in size and ensure participants are strongly committed to the AHC’s mission, organizations that contribute at the “strategic level” of $25,750 or more annually are entitled to 1 or more seats on the BOT ($25,750 per seat). As leadership changes occur within AHC member organizations, organizations shall submit the names of their representatives to the AHC President for election to the BOT. The Chair and Vice Chair are elected by the BOT and may serve a three-year term. To ensure diverse perspectives, the Chair is generally rotated among the organizational members. The Chair may be re-appointed at some later date; however, they cannot serve consecutive terms. If they accept the nomination, the Vice Chair typically progresses to the Chair position.

Beginning in 2022, AHC BOT includes three “at large” seats. One seat will be filled by the Chair of the CSHC. The AHC President will call for applicants to serve in the second and third seat (youth adult), for a maximum two year term, from among AHC member organizations. Only member organizations paying dues at the level designated for their size organizations are eligible. BOT eligibility is limited to organizational members. Applicant’s organization must be willing to commit time needed to serve on BOT and cover expenses necessary to attend meetings, etc.

BOT will review all applicants and elect a trustee based upon: 1) the need for that sector of industry to have a voice not currently represented by sitting trustees, and 2) the individual’s background and knowledge of the equine industry.